Gender Imitation and Insubordination on Display in NYC Nightlife

There’s an insightful article in Vice today, which illustrates how Butler’s ideas regarding gender imitation and insubordination (which I use to defend bioqueens) are being played out in NYC nightlife today; these are performers both inspired by, and in defiance of, the traditional drag our subculture has become known for and from which Rupaul’s Drag Factory was built upon. It includes both drag and burlesque collectives who are playing with the performative such as Switch n Play  at Branded Saloon in Brooklyn, Homo Erectus at Stonewall Inn, Hypergender Burlesque at Wow Cafe and White Elephant Burleque Society at Rockbar.

As Viktor Devonne, the director of White Elephant Burlesque Society notes:

“I have seen cisgender performers perform routines, original creations, and cosplay to popular entertainment icons…I’ve seen trans individuals perform drag in the [gender] role of [which] they were assigned [at birth] but do not identify— which naturally creates something of a fascinating, unspoken commentary on what we might assume a person is all about, gender-wise. I’ve seen nonbinary performers give us four-minute explorations into what they’ve been meditating on for years…It is really all very fabulous. And we’ve been very blessed with an audience that wants to see it and support it.”

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